Line 3 opponents descend on Minnesota Capitol to seek a stop
-The rally, part of a series of events called Treaties over Tar Sands organized by Indigenous and environmental activists, called on Gov. Tim Walz and President Joe Biden to pull permits and shut down the Line 3 replacement pipeline project.
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BudgetClimate ChangeCollaborationEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsNewsOntarioQuebecU.S. and Canadian Federal Governments
Canada commits $340 million to Indigenous protected areas, guardians programs
-The Canadian federal government announced it will provide funding over the next five years to support Indigenous-led stewardship of lands and waters under its $2.3 billion commitment to nature conservation.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipEquity and Environmental JusticeIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsNews
“We Can’t Have Land Back Without Water Back”
-The director of Pueblo Action Alliance, an activist group, Julia Bernal is acutely aware that in arid areas like her home in the American Southwest, the fight for Indigenous rights starts with one crucial resource: water.
CollaborationHabitat RestorationHistory and CultureIndigenous CommunitiesLake MichiganLatest NewsNewsWisconsin
Ancient human remains unearthed at proposed Kohler golf course site in Wisconsin
-The rapidly eroding Lake Michigan shoreline is also raising questions about the future of the controversial project adjacent to Kohler-Andrae State Park.
APEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsMinnesotaNews
Minnesota court affirms approval of Line 3 oil pipeline
-More than 2,000 Indigenous leaders and “water protectors” gathered in Clearwater County from around the country to protest the construction of Enbridge Line 3.
APEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsMinnesotaNews
EXPLAINER: Why a rural pipeline is a climate battleground
-Line 3 opponents are focusing on blocking the rebuilding project instead of shutting down the line, although their long-term goal is making it obsolete through conversion from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
AgricultureAlgae BloomsCollaborationDrinking WaterFeature HomepageGroundwater ContaminationIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Tapped Out: Power, justice and water in the West
-On the West side of the United States, residents are seeing problems crop up in their waters. Great Lakes region residents will find those issues familiar.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureIndigenous CommunitiesJames ProffittLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreational Hunting and FishingSturgeon
Conservation Coordination: Black Lake sturgeon fishing highlights contrasts between Native and state approaches
-Sturgeon fishing, over in a morning for most Michiganders, extends over a longer period of time for Michigan’s Tribes.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsMichigan
“Water is life” is the theme of day 1 of protests to shut down Enbridge Line 5
-A little two lane road and a fence topped with barbwire was all that separated Enbridge Energy’s big Line 5 pumping station and a little park where tribal members from all over the upper Midwest gathered.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Michigan vows to seek Line 5 profits if Enbridge defies shutdown order
-In a letter Tuesday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer put Enbridge on notice that if the company keeps operating Line 5 in the Straits beyond Wednesday, the state will pursue legal action to recoup any profits Enbridge amasses from “wrongful use of the State’s property.”