Illinois woman swims across iconic Michigan lake twice
-A medical student from Illinois swam across one of Michigan’s Torch Lake — twice — to raise money and awareness about diabetes.
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ChicagoFeature HomepageFeature-ChicagoFoodHistory and CultureIllinoisLatest NewsLighthouses, Museums and Cultural InstitutionsNew YorkRachel Duckett
Thousand Island Dressing Mystery: Uncertain origins of one of America’s favorite sauces
-What is the original recipe? It’s a different story depending on who is asked.
ChicagoFeature-ChicagoFish, Birds and AnimalsIllinoisLake MichiganLake SuperiorLatest NewsResearch, Data and TechnologySandra SvobodaScience, Technology, Research
The Suckers: Great Lakes’ “best supporting fishes” are important to the food web
-Karen Murchie, director of freshwater research at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, talked all about suckers and what they mean for the Great Lakes in this Q&A with GLN Host Ward Detwiler.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipChicagoDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageFeature-ChicagoFlintIllinoisInfrastructureLatest NewsLeadMichiganNews
Some Chicagoans Wary of Lead Pipe Replacement
-The response to Chicago’s lead pipe replacement project is a story playing out in neighborhoods across the country. Government public interest initiatives, even with the best of intentions and resources, are being curtailed by mistrust.
ChicagoFeature HomepageFeature-ChicagoFish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureIllinoisLatest NewsNewsSandra Svoboda
Birds on Film: Filmmaker Bob Dolgan talks about Chicago’s piping plovers with Great Lakes Now
-“The goal of the film was to show how people and birds can interact and co-exist,” Dolgan says in this GLN interview.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipChicagoCollaborationEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageFeature-ChicagoIllinoisInfrastructureLatest NewsNews
In Chicago, Flooding Overwhelmingly Strikes Communities of Color
-Chicago’s leaders have poured billions into ambitious programs to keep water away from roads and buildings. But urban flooding continues—overwhelmingly in communities of color—forcing experts to turn to new solutions.
APChicagoCOVID-19Feature-ChicagoIllinoisLighthouses, Museums and Cultural InstitutionsNewsRecreation and TourismTourism
Chicago’s Adler Planetarium won’t fully reopen until 2022
-Planetarium officials said they’ll start offering some events in July, but due to financial difficulties the full reopening will be in March 2022.
APBeaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingChicagoFeature HomepageFeature-ChicagoIllinoisLake MichiganNews
Chicago man jumps into Lake Michigan for 365th straight day
-A Chicago bus driver looking for a way to relieve stress during the coronavirus pandemic jumped into Lake Michigan for a 365th straight day on Saturday.
ChicagoClevelandFeature ClevelandFeature HomepageFeature-ChicagoForever Chemicals FeaturedIllinoisIndianaLatest NewsNew YorkNewsOhioPFASResearch, Data and Technology
Raining PFAS: Amount of PFAS found is outpacing legacy contaminants
-A basin-wide precipitation monitoring program is finding PFAS showing up all around the Great Lakes, from Chicago to Sleeping Bear Dunes.
High waves wash out Chicago beaches as Lake Michigan reopens
-The high waves closed most beaches to swimming Friday, the first day they were to be reopened since closing over a year ago because of the coronavirus pandemic.