Collection 3 – Virtual Field Trips in the Great Lakes

Great Lakes Now takes students — and adults — to Lake Erie’s coastal wetlands. Find the videos below.

Meanwhile, find all of the Great Lakes Now educational content HERE.

NEW IN 2022: A new collection begins with lesson plans based on the award-winning monthly PBS television program. Find them HERE. And SUBSCRIBE to be notified when a new module is released.

Great Lakes Now Virtual Field Trip

Great Lakes Now brings along students on a virtual field trip to learn more about the importance of coastal wetlands, the danger of algal blooms and a deep dive into lake sturgeon

This experience is targeted for 6-8th grade, but is certainly not limited to this age group. Preview the videos below to see if it’s right for your students.

Coastal Wetlands


Lake Sturgeon


Great Lakes Now Lesson Plans 

Digital-Adventure-Virtual Field Trip


More Virtual Field Trips with Detroit PBS KIDS’ Digital Adventure