Legal Fees: Toledo residents to pay for LEBOR challenger Drewes Farms
-A legal bill from LEBOR challenger Drewes Farms presented to city officials in April was originally about $293,000.
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APDetroitDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature DetroitFlintLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Minority communities question election-year push by EPA
-Under President Donald Trump, the EPA has slashed support for some programs and regulatory protections benefiting disadvantaged communities.
Winning Work: Great Lakes Now recognized for communication excellence by Great Lakes Protection Fund
-The Great Lakes Now initiative – our show, website, engagement efforts and educational resources – wins a Great Lakes Protection Fund Leadership Award.
COVID-19Drinking WaterDrinking Water News RoundupEquity and Environmental JusticeGroundwater ContaminationIllinoisIndianaIndigenous CommunitiesInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganMinnesotaNewsOntarioPennsylvaniaWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Drinking Water News Roundup: Illinois COVID-19 shutoff protections, Ontario First Nation evacuation
-Catch the latest drinking water updates with Great Lakes Now’s biweekly headline roundup.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationCOVID-19DetroitDrinking WaterFeature DetroitGroundwater ContaminationInfrastructureLatest NewsLeadMichiganNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Another Casualty of COVID: Testing declines for lead poisoning in Michigan
-During the pandemic, the number of children being tested for lead poisoning has been cut in half.
Damming Decisions: Watch party for Great Lakes Now and The Age of Nature
-Learn more about what happens when these dams are built and what happens when they come down in this Great Lakes Now watch party.
Wipes flushed in toilets cause big waste spill in Michigan small town
-Baby wipes clogged the wastewater system in Beulah in northern Michigan, causing a 10,000-gallon backup.
CollaborationDrinking WaterFlintGroundwater ContaminationIllinoisInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsOhioOntarioWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Legionella and other dangerous pathogens still lurk in U.S. drinking water
-Though less common than in the past, microbes that contaminate tap water continue to sicken — and sometimes kill — Americans.
Age of NatureFish, Birds and AnimalsHabitat RestorationIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsLorraine BoissoneaultNew YorkNewsRecreation and Tourism
When a Dam Comes Down: Removal of dams allows fish passage and habitat restoration
-Razing dams and returning rivers to their more natural courses is happening throughout the world – including on the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation.