Bloomington water leaves bad taste in customers’ mouths, but officials say it’s safe to drink
-Complaints of bad tasting and foul-smelling water in and around Bloomington have been reported since earlier this month, but officials say the water is safe to drink.
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APBeaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingIndianaLake MichiganNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
US Steel shuts down Indiana plant after wastewater discharge
-U.S. Steel temporarily halts operations at a northwest Indiana plant Monday after it leaked an orange substance into a Lake Michigan tributary. Indiana Dunes National Park beaches were also closed.
AgricultureCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganNews
As Drought Grips American West, Irrigation Becomes Selling Point for Michigan
-Michigan farmers irrigate with 187 billion gallons of groundwater a year. Is the state prepared for more?
APDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature LeadInfrastructureLeadMichiganNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Michigan sending water, filters to Benton Harbor due to lead
-Michigan EGLE will provide bottled water and go door-to-door to ensure proper installation of faucet filters, according to a spokesperson.
BudgetDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageInfrastructureLatest NewsLeadMichiganNewsTaylor HaeltermanWater Quality and Restoration EffortsWisconsin
Community Assistance: Report finds disparities in drinking water fund distribution
-Drinking water systems in small and more diverse communities nationwide are less likely to receive state funding through the EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, according to a recent report.
Long-duration storm drops 1-4 inches of rain on Detroit area
-The long duration of the storm helped the area avoid levels of flooding that submerged thousands of basements, dozens of streets and even freeways this summer.
Great Lakes Protection Fund: Award celebrates work tackling plastics, invasives, equity
-This year’s Great Lakes Protection Fund leadership award winners were announced Tuesday, with the theme of driving change to improve the health of the Great Lakes.
Enbridge ordered to pay $3M for Line 3 groundwater leak
-The state Department of Natural Resources said Enbridge, while working near Clearbrook in January, dug too deeply into the ground and pierced an artesian aquifer, which resulted in a 24 million gallon groundwater leak.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCOP26Drinking WaterLatest NewsNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
‘The Opportunity Is Now’: Water Advocates View Upcoming UN Climate Conference as Moment of Relevance
-Water was overlooked in past global climate talks. Advocates are focusing on the Glasgow meeting to highlight water’s indispensable climate role.
Climate ChangeDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageGary WilsonIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentInfrastructureLatest NewsNews
Q&A: Climate, equity and diversity top priorities for new national non-profit executive
-Great Lakes Now talked to the new Natural Resources Defense Council President and CEO Manish Bapna on a range of topics, including electric-powered vehicles, drinking water shutoffs, the fixation on economic growth, and equity and diversity issues.