Ask the Great Lakes Now Team Your PFAS Question
-PFAS*: the acronym for industrial chemicals that are contaminating Michigan water and showing up in people’s blood. Have you heard of them? Do you have a question about them and how they relate to your health, safety or water supply?
PFAS in the Headlines
-How this family of industrial chemicals has contaminated water supplies is a worldwide story. Great Lakes Now collected headlines from…
Great Lakes States, U.S. EPA grapple with “Forever Chemicals”
-An April 6, 2018 photo of Michigan DEQ contractor AECOM sampling for PFAS foam in the…
PFAS pollution already costing Michigan communities millions
-Michigan residents may be in line to pay for the fixes to PFAS contamination for years to come.
Ann Arbor spends $1 million to deal with PFAS contamination
-The city started to ask in 2017: “What can we do about it?”
In West Michigan, sticker shock over toxic water costs
-Plainfield Township officials estimate that $62 million is needed to bring municipal water to areas contaminated by PFAS chemicals.
Michigan residents take action on clean water where military won’t
-Grayling Township may build a new municipal water system to serve homes contaminated by PFAS from the military base.