Cleanup of Detroit “green goo” contaminated site expected to cost millions
-According to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, efforts to contain the leak at the Electro-Plating Services Inc. site in Madison Heights has cost at least $200,000 over 24 days.
Group claims bias in lawsuit against Ohio water department
-A civil rights group has alleged in a federal lawsuit that Cleveland’s water department discriminates against black customers by shutting off service and placing liens on their property for unpaid bills at a far higher rate than for white customers.
River Restoration: $390 million project offers new future for beleaguered Kinnickinnic
-Miles of concrete are being removed from the Kinnickinnic riverbed in the hopes of encouraging more beautiful parks, less flooding and less pollution.
APGroundwater ContaminationIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentInfrastructureNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Company to pay $245M toward cleanup of Kalamazoo River PCBs
-One of the companies responsible for polluting an 80-mile (129-kilometer) stretch of river and floodplains in southwestern Michigan with toxic chemicals will pay at least $245.2 million to advance a cleanup effort that began more than 20 years ago, federal officials said Wednesday.
Minor earthquake in Lake Erie shakes Ohio shoreline again
-Federal geologists say a small earthquake just off the Lake Erie shoreline shook cities east of Cleveland.
No excessive radiation at Detroit River aggregate spill site
-Staffers with the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy inspected the Detroit Bulk Storage property with federal and local officials, taking radiological measurements and sampling river water just offshore in southwest Detroit.
Michigan officials investigating aggregate spill in Detroit River
-Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy is investigating a spill of an unknown amount of construction aggregate material into the Detroit River from an industrial site with a history of environmental contamination.
BudgetClimate ChangeCollaborationInfrastructureMilwaukeeNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWisconsin
Green Bay ‘Resilience Coordinator’ Would Help City Mitigate Flooding, Fight Climate Change
-Green Bay, Wisconsin, Mayor Eric Genrich has proposed a new position in his 2020 budget to help the city deal with the effects of climate change.