Climate ChangeCollaborationIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRecreation and Tourism
How the Ski Industry Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Climate Activism
-An interview with the president of the International Ski Federation, Gian Franco Kasper, made its way around the Internet faster than locals flocking to the first chair on a powder day. In the 2019 interview, Kasper told a Swiss newspaper that he preferred working with dictators to environmentalists and that there is no proof of “so-called” climate change.
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Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsI Speak for the FishKathy JohnsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreation and Tourism
I Speak for the Fish: Teamwork, smooth swimming and other lessons from Great Lakes fish
-In this month’s column, Kathy Johnson talks about the tips she’s learned for navigating the waters from fish like walleye, sturgeon and gobies.
4 unexpected places where adults can learn science
-Modern society benefits when people understand science concepts. This knowledge helps explain how cryptocurrency works, why climate change is happening or how the coronavirus is transmitted from person to person.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, Research
Reduce flooding from backed up sewers? There’s an app for that
-High tech is being used to make stormwater and sanitary sewers more efficient to avoid floods and combined sewer overflows.
Farmers’ Almanac forecasts frosty Great Lakes flip-flop
-The month-to-month contrast follows an unusually stormy summer for the Great Lakes region, which the Almanac predicted to be “muggy and thundery” last April.
MSU researchers collecting data on Great Lakes shoreline
-Assistant professor Erin Bunting said the goal is to empower local communities, which is important to the future of the lakeshores and future research.
17 Indiana state parks closing for 4 days of deer hunts
-The hunts are scheduled for Nov. 15-16 and Nov. 29-30, with the parks closing the evening before and reopening the next day.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsIndigenous CommunitiesKathy JohnsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsSturgeonWisconsin
Sturgeon Restoration: Starting anew in Sturgeon and Saginaw bays
-In the bays where lake sturgeon no longer spawn, Indigenous groups and researchers are hoping to change that.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipFish, Birds and AnimalsHabitat RestorationLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreational Hunting and FishingWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Climate Change Grips Trout Streams Across the Nation: How Anglers Are Responding
-Across the country, anglers have watched as droughts, floods, and high temperatures batter the rivers they depend on. Now, they’re calling for swift action.