Books, Authors, Art and MusicForests and PlantsHistory and CultureLatest NewsMichiganNewsScience, Technology, Research
Points North: The plant musician
-Tom Wall is a West Michigan rock star who uses plants as bandmates. He uses a device to harness the electricity in plants, which then turns those impulses into musical notes. Tom insists the plants are talking to us through the music. But can they really do that?
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Canada says it can fight climate change and be major oil nation. Massive fires may force a reckoning
-Thousands of wildfires in Canada this year have incinerated an area larger than Florida, releasing into the atmosphere more than three times the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by Canada in an entire year. And some are still burning.
Bird songs may ease the blues
-The Great Lakes region’s more than 300 bird species may provide valuable mental health benefits.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsLatest NewsNewsScience, Technology, Research
In warming Great Lakes, climate triage means some cold waters won’t be saved
-Government officials begin the grim task of prioritizing which cold lakes and rivers to sacrifice — or save — as the climate changes. Not all cold-water loving fish may survive in the northern Great Lakes region.
CollaborationFish, Birds and AnimalsLatest NewsMichiganNewsPoints NorthScience, Technology, Research
Points North: We Got Jellyfish!
-Freshwater jellyfish have been in inland lakes and rivers throughout the Great Lakes region since 1933. But a century after their discovery, we still don’t know much about the elusive creatures. A team of student scientists is trying to change that.