Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationFish, Birds and AnimalsLatest NewsMichiganNewsProtectRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and FishingScience, Technology, Research
Michigan hunters say 252,000 deer killed in firearms season with new rules
-This year, hunters were required to report their deer kills, a move wildlife managers say will help the state better manage Michigan’s growing herds.
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Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreation and TourismScience, Technology, ResearchTourismWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Uncertainty for Michigan rivers, residents as Consumers reconsiders its 13 dams
-The dams are expensive to maintain and are harmful to rivers and fish. But their reservoirs bring visitors that help support small communities.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsLatest NewsMichiganNewsProtectScience, Technology, ResearchThe Catch
Record number of piping plovers
-Of the region’s 72 breeding pairs, 48 were in Michigan, and Michigan’s nests produced a record number of chicks.
Algae BloomsBudgetCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationFish, Birds and AnimalsHabitat RestorationLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and FishingScience, Technology, ResearchU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Some Republicans, Democrats, environmentalists, hunters, anglers, and birders all want the same thing: more wetlands
-The idea is to reduce harmful algal blooms getting into the Great Lakes, reduce flooding, and provide habitat for wildlife.
APBeaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingClevelandFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and FishingScience, Technology, Research
Fishermen plead not guilty to charges in tournament scandal
-Two men accused of stuffing walleye with lead weights and fish fillets during a tournament pleaded not guilty to cheating.