Whitmer offers plan to supply propane after pipeline closes
-Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration released a plan Friday to make sure Michigan will have enough propane if a controversial pipeline is shut down.
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Algae BloomsCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationDrinking WaterLake ErieLatest NewsMichiganNewsResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
U of M team makes discovery about Lake Erie dead zone
-New research finds the annual dead zone in Lake Erie is getting a boost that makes it worse very quickly.
Lawyers seeking 32% of $641M Flint tainted water settlement
-If granted, the request would total $202 million in fees and $7 million in expenses for the dozens of attorneys who made a deal with the state of Michigan, Flint, a hospital and an engineering firm.
AgricultureAlgae BloomsCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationDrinking WaterLake ErieLatest NewsMichiganNewsOhioOntarioPolicyWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Too few farmers are curbing pollution in Lake Erie. Should they be forced?
-As climate change complicates Lake Erie’s algae problem, scientists say farmers must do far more to reduce phosphorus runoff. But will enough farmers change their ways without a government mandate?
Fish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureJames ProffittLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreational Hunting and FishingSturgeon
Short Season: Sturgeon spearing plays big role in conservation efforts for the ancient fish
-This year, sturgeon season on Michigan’s Black Lake lasted just over two hours.
DetroitEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature DetroitJohn HartigLatest NewsMichiganNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Great Lakes Moment: From the Rouge River to Persian Gulf, oil spill cleanups are handled by a Detroit company
-Marine Pollution Control was founded in Detroit in 1967 as the first oil spill cleanup company in the Great Lakes and one of the very first in the nation.