APDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature LeadFlintLeadMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Judge: Lawsuit can proceed against Flint water contractor
-A judge on Monday refused to dismiss a lawsuit against an engineering company, which is accused of not doing enough to stop the flow of lead-contaminated water in Flint in 2015.
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Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipFish, Birds and AnimalsHabitat RestorationLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectU.S. and Canadian Federal Governments
A small, red-bellied snake might be reconsidered for protection under the Endangered Species Act
-Three environmental groups plan to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in an effort to protect a small snake found in parts of Michigan.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature LeadFlintLatest NewsLeadMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Flint water crisis settlement claims process begins this week
-Starting this week, tens of thousands of people in Flint can begin filing damage claims as part of a $626 million settlement of civil lawsuits in the Flint water crisis.
APFish, Birds and AnimalsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentMichiganNewsOhioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Ohio company will pay nearly $250K for Michigan fish kill
-A paper mill in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has agreed to pay nearly $250,000 to settle an investigation of a fish kill in the Escanaba River, state regulators said.
South Haven adds Lake Michigan restrictions in bad weather
-A southwestern Michigan town that swells with summer visitors is taking steps to keep people out of Lake Michigan during hazardous conditions.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLake MichiganLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectScience, Technology, Research
Road salt threatens Michigan lakes and rivers. Can an alternative take hold?
-Road salt is threatening the Great Lakes’ famous fresh waters and creating even bigger problems for the inland rivers, lakes and aquifers – not to mention your car’s undercarriage.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsHabitat RestorationJohn HartigLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Great Lakes Moment: Kirtland’s warblers are thriving in Michigan
-The Kirtland’s warbler went from less than 200 males in the ‘70s to more than 2,200 in 2021. In this month’s column, John Hartig looks at their recovery.
Year in Review 2021: The two-beer bear and other Lake Huron canine adventures
-Great Lakes travel in 2021 meant road trips, island encounters and a lot of fetch on the beach with my dog, Cal.
Year in Review 2021: As the year ends, I’m still thinking about summer joy… and summer flooding
-New Associate Producer Anna Sysling contemplates self-care, the small wonders of Great Lakes nature and the devastating impacts of climate on the region.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterFeature LeadLatest NewsLeadMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Should Benton Harbor residents have to pay for water they can’t drink?
-It’s been two months since state health officials warned the 9,000 people living in Benton Harbor not to drink their water.