A Great Lakes Moment from John Hartig
-Detroit has always been a city of innovation, resilience, and leadership in responding to paradigm shifts. The city now has the potential to lead the nation down a more sustainable path to address the sustainability paradigm shift.
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The Great Lakes lose out.. again
-Once again, Trump wants to slash funding to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. This time, rather than zeroing it out, he proposes a 90 percent cut: from $300 million to $30 million.
PM Trudeau: “You have to protect the environment”
-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a packed house in Chicago last week that to build a strong economy for the future, “you have to protect the environment.”
John Hartig: A Great Lakes Icon Retires
-John Hartig, another leader who has made an indelible mark on the Great Lakes is stepping down.
At John Hartig’s recent retirement party, friends and colleagues he’d worked with for more than 30 years at U.S. Fish and Wildlife fought back tears