AgricultureCollaborationDrinking WaterFeature HomepageLatest NewsNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Quality and Restoration EffortsWisconsin
Wisconsin Supreme Court weighs state power to protect water from farm pollutants
-The outcome of a nearly decade-long dispute in Kewaunee County could shape regulatory power across state government.
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CollaborationCOVID-19Drinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsPFAS
Federal Agencies Plan to Investigate Links between PFAS Exposure and Viral Illness
-Two federal health agencies are planning to investigate potential links between exposure to toxic PFAS chemicals and susceptibility to viral illnesses like COVID-19.
CollaborationDrinking WaterFeature HomepageIndianaLatest NewsNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Local Governments, Organizations Ask Indiana Legislators to Consider Alternatives to Bill Repealing State Wetland Protections
-More than 60 organizations, including local governments, environmental and conservation groups and water management agencies, sent a letter to Indiana state legislators.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationDrinking WaterFeature HomepageInfrastructureLatest NewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
In Broad Strokes, Biden Infrastructure Plan Sketches a Future for Federal Water Spending
-The administration’s historic pitch to remove all lead drinking water pipes is part of a $111 billion proposal for water systems.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationDrinking WaterEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageLatest NewsMichiganNewsOntarioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Is the Line 5 tunnel a bridge to Michigan’s energy future or a bad deal?
-With climate action on the state and national agenda, critics of Enbridge Line 5 warn that investing in new pipeline infrastructure undermines Michigan’s pathway to carbon neutrality. Experts say it’s not so simple.
BudgetCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationDetroitEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
In flooded Michigan neighborhoods, who should pay for sea walls?
-For two straight summers, residents of Detroit’s Jefferson Chalmers neighborhood watched water pour into basements and pool in streets, a result of coastal flooding that will become increasingly common throughout the Great Lakes as climate change progresses.
APEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesMinnesotaNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Need for disputed pipeline argued in Minnesota appeals court
-The Minnesota Department of Commerce, the Red Lake Band of Chippewa, the White Earth Band of Ojibwe, and several Indigenous and environmental groups, argued that Enbridge failed to show long-term need for the Line 3 project.
APFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsIndigenous CommunitiesMichiganMinnesotaNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRecreational Hunting and FishingThe StatesWisconsin
Chippewa tribes blast wolf hunt, say it was about killing
-State-licensed hunters killed 216 wolves in four days, nearly double their quota of 119 animals. The DNR estimated about 1,000 wolves roamed Wisconsin before the hunt.
BudgetCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationDrinking WaterFeature HomepageInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Michigan’s Rural Water Systems Confront Generations of Inadequate Investment
-A critical juncture is reached for providing water to rural communities around the region.