Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Michigan lawmakers pledge ‘full support’ for reopening Palisades nuclear plant
-The push to repower the shuttered Palisades nuclear power plant has momentum in Lansing, with a bipartisan caucus pledging support for the plant’s revival.
Energy News RoundupEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageIllinoisIndianaIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganMinnesotaNewsOhioWisconsin
Energy News Roundup: Illinois house passes ethics bill, EPA rule in Indiana
-Catch the latest in Great Lakes energy news in Great Lakes Now’s biweekly headline roundup.
Culinary masters aboard Great Lakes freighters: Navigating the high seas of flavor
-On many freighters sailing the Great Lakes, there are cooks known as galley stewards who are on a mission to elevate the on board dining experience, while also creating a sense of community.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationFish, Birds and AnimalsForests and PlantsLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Bill aims to allow backyard wildlife feeding, but critics fear deer disease
-State Rep. Ken Borton wants to allow recreational wildlife and bird feeding to be protected. He said the intent is to allow feeding of squirrels and other small animals. But state wildlife officials say that would encourage deer and elk to congregate, spreading disease.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationLatest NewsMichiganMilwaukeeMinnesotaNewsOhioPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeResearch, Data and TechnologyThe StatesWater Quality and Restoration EffortsWisconsin
FRESH: New Wisconsin Law Aims to Protect Watersheds From Farm Runoff
-Fresh is a biweekly newsletter from Circle of Blue that unpacks the biggest international, state, and local policy news stories facing the Great Lakes region today.
Freighter Madness – Episode 2305
-Breaking down an old Great Lakes freighter and feeding a giant freighter’s crew.