Energy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganNews
Michigan’s ambitious clean energy laws face a peninsula-sized hurdle
-Natural gas power plants put in place just five years ago to replace coal in the state’s Upper Peninsula are now a conundrum for regulators.
Palisades nuclear relaunch gets more subsidies in Michigan — and more backlash
-The federal government will provide more than $600 million to help two rural electricity cooperatives buy money from the nuclear plant. While proponents celebrate, anti-nuclear activists say the money could be better spent elsewhere.
Gun Lake Tribe Releases Lake Sturgeon into Kalamazoo River for 2024 Nmé Celebration
-A couple hundred people gathered to witness the release of the sturgeon, known as nmé to the Potawatomi, with many children participating by helping to release the fish by hand.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNews
Tribal nations in Michigan get grants totaling more than $38 million to reduce greenhouse emissions
-The U.S. EPA announced four tribes in Michigan would receive grants to install renewable energy infrastructure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Equity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageIndianaLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
25 years after a major toxic lead cleanup, westside neighbors still don’t feel safe
-Residents want more soil testing to prevent future harm from contamination that’s plagued their neighborhood for decades.
Touch a sturgeon at this new aquarium
-Go inside the Aquarium of Niagara’s new expansion dedicated to wildlife that calls the Great Lakes home.
AgricultureFish, Birds and AnimalsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNewsScience, Technology, ResearchWisconsin
Farmers turn to ‘predator-proof’ fences to deter wolves in northern Wisconsin
-So far, no wolves have killed livestock within the fences on farms where they’ve been installed.
Cheryl Porter’s vision for the future of water
-With 28 years of experience in the water sector, Cheryl Porter shares her inspiring journey from junior chemist in Detroit to leading the American Water Works Association.
AdvocacyEquity and Environmental JusticeLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeThe States
Michigan advocates hail ‘groundbreaking’ settlement to civil rights complaint over hazardous waste facility
-New requirements to consider cumulative impacts in hazardous waste facility licensing could represent a shift in state permitting practices.