Report: Great Lakes region needs about $2B for flood repairs
-Shoreline cities and towns in the Great Lakes region will be spending heavily in coming years to fix public infrastructure damaged by recent flooding and erosion.
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BudgetBuffaloClevelandDetroitDuluthFeature ClevelandFeature DetroitFeature HomepageFeature MilwaukeeGary WilsonGrand RapidsIllinoisIndianaIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganMilwaukeeMinnesotaNew YorkNewsOhioPennsylvaniaPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWisconsin
Investing in the Lakes: New bill could redirect tech money to neglected Great Lakes cities
-The Great Lakes region is “regularly overlooked by federal lawmakers, investors and innovators,” but new legislation may help the region shake its Rust Belt image and secure tech and innovation investments.
Court: DNR can impose farm conditions, consider well impact
-The decisions mark a major win for conservationists and clarify that the Department of Natural Resources has broad authority to protect Wisconsin’s waters.
Ohio expands farmer incentive program to clean up Lake Erie
-Farmers in 10 more northern Ohio counties will be eligible to receive financial incentives for using new agriculture practices that improve water quality in Lake Erie.
Commercial FishingFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsInvasive SpeciesJohn McCrackenLake ErieLake MichiganLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreational Hunting and FishingWisconsin
Low but Stable: Yellow perch populations in Great Lakes’ bays and open waters
-The yellow perch is a staple of Great Lakes commercial and recreational fishing, and Friday fish fries.
Great Lakes Trails: Relief funds spark new investments into outdoor recreation
-Great Lakes Now compiled a list of new and planned trails to check out in the Great Lakes region this summer.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterForever Chemicals FeaturedGroundwater ContaminationLatest NewsNewsPFASResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Dealing with the soup of chemicals that can get into your drinking water
-Chemicals in water can mix. That’s where dealing with pollutants really falls short.
APBeaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLatest NewsNewsRecreation and Tourism
Nonprofit: Number of drownings in Great Lakes jumps in 2021
-More drownings have been reported in the Great Lakes so far in 2021 than by this time last year, prompting officials to urge swimmers to practice water safety measures.
Water authority: Pumping stations did not fail during storm
-Due to an electrical service issue only three of six pumps at one station were able to be brought online, while a power outage at a second station slowed efforts to turn three of its pumps on as the rain poured.
DetroitEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature DetroitFeature HomepageIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentJohn HartigLatest NewsMichiganNews
Great Lakes Moment: Ecosystem restoration needs more environmental justice
-In this month’s column from writer John Hartig, evidence of environmental injustice can be found nearly everywhere in southwest Detroit. A recent study looked at the impact of noise pollution in particular on the community.