Algae BloomsCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeDrinking WaterFish, Birds and AnimalsInvasive SpeciesLatest NewsNews
Great Lakes in Peril: Invasives, pollution, climate change
-The Great Lakes in Peril: Invasives, Pollution, and Climate Change is a production of The Environment Report. Listen to the full documentary on Michigan Radio’s website.
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Drinking WaterForever Chemicals FeaturedIllinoisIndianaLatest NewsMichiganNewsPennsylvaniaPFASPFAS News RoundupPolicyRachel DuckettWisconsin
PFAS News Roundup: Tech company develops PFAS-eliminating technology, PFAS Action Act heads to Senate, study finds PFAS in Arctic ice
-Catch the latest updates on what’s happening with PFAS in Great Lakes Now’s biweekly headline roundup.
The Farmory: Is indoor fish farming a viable way of tackling declining fish populations?
-In Wisconsin, a one-of-a-kind aquaculture operation shines a light on a new, sustainable industry push that could help with declining yellow perch populations, but it’s not without its own challenges.
Beaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingFeature HomepageLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreation and Tourism
Paddle Battle: International canoe race brings families together
-Thousands travel to the Au Sable River in Michigan every summer to watch the AuSable River Canoe Marathon, one of three major canoe races, with the other two in New York and Quebec.
Service held for last survivor of ’58 Great Lakes shipwreck
-A memorial Mass has been held in northern Michigan for the last remaining survivor of a Lake Michigan shipwreck that killed 33 people in 1958.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipForests and PlantsLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Groups mobilize to protect Upper Peninsula forest lands from mining, logging
-Hoping to seize upon the Biden administration’s pro-public lands agenda, a coalition of Michigan environmental groups is mounting a push to shield tens of thousands of acres in the western Upper Peninsula from future logging and other development.
APFeature HomepageHistory and CultureLake HuronNewsResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, Research
New theory: Earth’s longer days kick-started oxygen growth
-Researchers dredged up gooey purple bacteria from a deep sinkhole in Lake Huron and tinkered with it. The more continuous light the smelly microbes got, the more oxygen they produced.
AgricultureCollaborationDrinking WaterGroundwater ContaminationLatest NewsNewsWater Quality and Restoration EffortsWisconsin
Cow manure predicted to cause most sickness from contaminated wells in Wisconsin’s Kewaunee County
-A new study predicts the incidence of gastrointestinal illness in private drinking wells, identifying manure as the main cause of contamination.
State investigating common carp deaths in Michigan lake
-Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources said between 250 and 500 of the fish have been found dead since mid-July in Lake Orion, northwest of Detroit.
Brian OwensEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesFeature HomepageLatest NewsNewsOntarioResearch, Data and Technology
Bacteria Cleanup: Should we let nature clean up oil spills?
-Natural populations of oil-degrading bacteria could help to clean up freshwater rivers and lakes after spills from pipelines and trains, researchers have found after experiments.