‘The water always wins’: Calls to protect shorelines as volatile Lake Michigan inflicts heavy toll
-Wisconsin’s Great Lakes communities expect to spend $245 million in five years to protect shorelines as a climate ‘tug of war’ drives extreme shifts in water levels.
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Detroit RiverFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentJohn HartigLatest NewsMichiganNewsOntarioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeSt. Clair RiverWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Great Lakes Moment: Endangered catfish indicates improving health of the Detroit and St. Clair rivers
-A small catfish that is endangered in both Michigan and Ontario is making a comeback thanks to improved water quality and artificial reef construction in the Detroit and St. Clair rivers.
Wildlife habitat projects look for new funding as hunting licenses decline
-National declines of hunting license sales and the need for additional wildlife conservation funding have prompted proposals to fill the fiscal gap, including one that’s stalled in Congress despite bipartisan support.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsKathy JohnsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsResearch, Data and TechnologySturgeonWisconsin
Sturgeon Restoration: Streamside hatcheries on the Manistee, Milwaukee and Maumee rivers
-By some rivers, seasonal facilities are popping up, with the goal of improving lake sturgeon survival rates and successful natal imprinting.
Twin Metals to appeal federal decision on proposed mine
-Twin Metals will appeal a federal decision that dealt a serious blow to its proposed copper-nickel mine in northeastern Minnesota, the company said Wednesday.
Utility eyes earlier shutdown of Lake Michigan power plant
-A northern Indiana utility company is looking to shutter a coal-fired power plant along Lake Michigan two years earlier than planned.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterLatest NewsLeadMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Check this Michigan map for childhood lead levels in your community
-Overall, the percentage of Michigan children with elevated blood lead levels has been falling for more than two decades, from nearly a third of children tested in 2000 to just 2.5 percent of children tested in 2020. But those statewide gains can be deceptively reassuring.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterFeature LeadInfrastructureLatest NewsLeadMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Why are so many Michigan water systems finding lead? They’re looking harder
-Benton Harbor is likely just the beginning. Since the southwest Michigan community’s prolonged lead-in-water crisis began making national headlines this fall, residents of Hamtramck, Wayne and Manchester have all learned that their water, too, exceeded government lead standards.
APClimate ChangeIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeResearch, Data and Technology
Majority in US concerned about climate: AP-NORC/EPIC poll
-President Joe Biden heads to a vital U.N. climate summit at a time when a majority of Americans regard the deteriorating climate as a problem of high importance to them, an increase from just a few years ago.