COVID-19Feature HomepageJames ProffittLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLatest NewsMichiganNew YorkNewsNiagara FallsOhioRecreation and TourismTourismWisconsin
Open Doors: Great Lakes tourist destinations make 2021 a new start
-Great Lakes vacation and recreation spots welcome back people as well as a sense of normality.
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AgricultureAlgae BloomsCollaborationDrinking WaterFeature HomepageGroundwater ContaminationIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsNewsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Tapped Out: Power, justice and water in the West
-On the West side of the United States, residents are seeing problems crop up in their waters. Great Lakes region residents will find those issues familiar.
BudgetCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipDrinking WaterFeature MilwaukeeInfrastructureLatest NewsMilwaukeeNewsPolicyWisconsin
Congress’s Stealth Water Infrastructure Deal
-The American Rescue Plan Act allocated $350 billion to states, tribes, and local governments. Some of that money is available for upgrading water systems.
Drinking Water News Roundup: 3M sues Michigan, hackers infiltrate Pennsylvania water systems, millions invested in Illinois and Ohio
-Catch the latest drinking water updates with Great Lakes Now’s biweekly headline roundup.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationDetroitFeature DetroitFeature HomepageIndianaInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Green Infrastructure: Cities around the Great Lakes plan for a changing future
-Rain gardens, bioretention features, adaptable parks and more are popping up all around the region.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureI Speak for the FishKathy JohnsonLatest NewsNews
I Speak for the Fish
-In this new Great Lakes Now monthly column, professional diver Kathy Johnson talks about what drew her to Great Lakes native fish advocacy.
Drinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageGary WilsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice: Michigan’s goal is to be a national leader
-Michigan public advocate talks to Great Lakes Now, saying Michigan wants to lead, play a role in Biden’s environmental justice plan.
Feature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureIndigenous CommunitiesJames ProffittLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreational Hunting and FishingSturgeon
Conservation Coordination: Black Lake sturgeon fishing highlights contrasts between Native and state approaches
-Sturgeon fishing, over in a morning for most Michiganders, extends over a longer period of time for Michigan’s Tribes.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesFeature HomepageIndigenous CommunitiesLatest NewsMichigan
“Water is life” is the theme of day 1 of protests to shut down Enbridge Line 5
-A little two lane road and a fence topped with barbwire was all that separated Enbridge Energy’s big Line 5 pumping station and a little park where tribal members from all over the upper Midwest gathered.
Outside help available for oil spill, other large-scale emergencies
-If an oil spill oozed its way to Thunder Bay and onto the shores of Alpena, local responders wouldn’t have the needed equipment on hand to stop it.