AgricultureAlgae BloomsCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLake ErieLatest NewsMichiganNewsOhioWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Will Michigan farmers voluntarily help reduce phosphorus loading into Lake Erie?
-Public pressure is growing over toxic cyanobacteria blooms growing in the western basin of Lake Erie and other places in Michigan.
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Algae BloomsAPClimate ChangeFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsForests and PlantsLake ErieMichiganNewsOhioOntarioProtectResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchThe StatesU.S. and Canadian Federal Governments
To reduce harmful algal blooms and dead zones, the US needs a national strategy for regulating farm pollution
-The administration of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf asked the state’s high court Monday to weigh in on a legal battle over Pennsylvania’s plan to charge power plants for their emissions of planet-warming carbon dioxide.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsIllinoisIndianaLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorMichiganMinnesotaNew YorkNewsOhioOntarioPennsylvaniaRegionResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchShipwrecksThe States
Researchers race to understand what lies beneath the Great Lakes
-Scientists say we have more robust data about the surface of Mars than the floor of the Great Lakes. A new effort spearheaded by academics and government aims to map the entire Great Lakes lakebed.
AdvocacyClevelandFish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioRecreation and TourismThe CatchTourism
Lake Erie birding
-The new Great Lake Erie Birding Trail, with its mobile app, includes some 40 birding hot spots from Detroit to the Lake Erie islands and beyond.
APClimate ChangeEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageLake ErieNewsPennsylvaniaScience, Technology, Research
Pennsylvania appeals court order blocking climate plan
-The administration of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf asked the state’s high court Monday to weigh in on a legal battle over Pennsylvania’s plan to charge power plants for their emissions of planet-warming carbon dioxide.
Algae BloomsCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationFeature HomepageLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioResearch, Data and TechnologyWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
2022 Forecast: Smaller than average amount of harmful cyanobacterial blooms for Lake Erie, but some hot spots possible
-Long-term forecasts of less rain leads researchers to predict there will be a less severe outbreak of harmful cyanobacterial blooms.
Algae BloomsFeature HomepageJames ProffittLake ErieMichiganNewsOhioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Study suggests phosphorous reduction alone could lead to more toxic algae
-A new study says efforts to reduce harmful algae blooms by limiting phosphorous in Lake Erie could result in more toxic algae.
Commercial FishingFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsHistory and CultureJames ProffittLake ErieNewsOhioRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and FishingScience, Technology, Research
Lake Erie’s once-thriving blue pike is long gone but never forgotten
-Despite the fact the blue pike appears to be a dead end both scientifically and practically, it still regularly blooms anew in fishing forums and on social media.