Fish, Birds and AnimalsFreightersHabitat RestorationInfrastructureJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and Fishing
Got Pike? Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Superior, yes. Erie, not so much.
-Increased seiche events likely hurting already small populations of the fish.
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BudgetCollaborationGreat Lakes EchoLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
Oldest Coast Guard cutter with smallest crew and largest Great Lakes responsibility needs replacing
-A new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service says the Coast Guard is waiting for Congress to approve its proposal to replace up to 35 aging cutters, which average 56 years old.
CollaborationCOVID-19Cruise ShipsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOntarioPolicyWaterfront Development
Family-owned fishing businesses displaced by waterfront developments on Great Lakes
-Working waterfront access — the access needed by fishing folks to unload their catch, process fish and retrieve ice and fuel — is being affected by coastal gentrification.
Climate ChangeLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeU.S. and Canadian Federal Governments
Index: International Joint Commission’s 2020 Triennial Assessment of Progress Report
-Here’s a handy index of all the reports referenced in the IJC’s 2020 triennial report.
Field Tiles: Continued use and improvement of drainage systems pose problems for Lake Erie
-Settlers began draining the Great Black Swamp soon after they encountered it. The farmland that took its place has its own set of problems.
CollaborationDetroit RiverLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorLatest NewsMichigan
High Water Levels On Tap This Winter As November Marks The Start Of A New Water Year
-Data from the last water year indicated record-breaking levels in the Great Lakes, and this year looks to be much of the same.
Algae BloomsCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeFish, Birds and AnimalsInvasive SpeciesLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorLatest NewsNewsResearch, Data and Technology
Q & A: The Great Lakes are stressed. Climate change is making it worse.
-The lead author of a new report sheds light on how climate change, invasive species, nutrient pollution and other Great Lakes problems are interacting.
ClevelandFeature ClevelandFish, Birds and AnimalsJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioRecreational Hunting and FishingTourism
Fall Brawl: Sheffield Lake fishing derby inspires intense angling
-The fishing derby started with 50 people 10 years ago. Participants number more than 12,000 this year.