AdvocacyAPEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingEquity and Environmental JusticeIndianaIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNewsOhioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
EPA orders Ohio power plant to stop dumping toxic coal ash
-At least five other plants, most in the Midwest, face similar action by the EPA under a crackdown proposed in January.
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Charles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipClimate ChangeCollaborationEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentInfrastructureLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreation and TourismScience, Technology, ResearchTourismWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Uncertainty for Michigan rivers, residents as Consumers reconsiders its 13 dams
-The dams are expensive to maintain and are harmful to rivers and fish. But their reservoirs bring visitors that help support small communities.
APEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature HomepageIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNewsPennsylvania
After years of construction, Shell ethane cracker starts up
-A massive petrochemical refinery in western Pennsylvania fed by the vast natural gas reservoir underneath Appalachia became fully operational.
APBeaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingBooks, Authors, Art and MusicDetroitEnbridge Line 5 and Other PipelinesFeature DetroitFreightersHistory and CultureLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreation and TourismShipwrecks
Detroit church to remember sailors lost on the Great Lakes
-Sailors who lost their lives in shipwrecks on the Great Lakes and Michigan waterways will be remembered at a historic church in downtown Detroit.
AdvocacyCharles Stewart Mott Foundation PartnershipCollaborationForests and PlantsHistory and CultureIndigenous CommunitiesIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeScience, Technology, Research
Nonprofit buys 31,000 forested acres by Copper Harbor to keep land public
-The Nature Conservancy, a global environmental group, has paid a New York hedge fund more than $27 million for part of the land, with another purchase to come.
AgricultureBeaches, Boating, Paddle Sports and SailingFeature HomepageIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLake HuronLatest NewsMichiganNewsQuizRecreation and Tourism
Surf and Turf: The Great Lakes Now Episode Quiz
-Test your knowledge on Great Lakes land use, eFoiling on Lake Huron, and The Catch.
CollaborationDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeFeature HomepageGroundwater ContaminationIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Analysis finds ‘stunning’ lack of compliance with coal ash rules, putting groundwater at risk
-Environmental groups’ comprehensive review of the latest company-reported data shows monitoring of drinking water sources is urgently needed.