Beaver Island attracts next generation of Great Lakes scientists
-When you talk with Great Lakes scientist Jessica Kosiara it helps to be ready for terms like “trophic level fish”…
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Forget Washington, it’s time for a Great Lakes Now road trip!
-The first six months of 2017 produced Great Lakes news at a pace that exceeds anything I’ve seen since I…
Drownings up across the Great Lakes: An effort to make it a safer summer
-Drownings increased by 78% last year in the Great Lakes.
The Dunegrass Man
-You meet the most interesting people at conferences involving the Great Lakes. Take, for instance, the Dunegrass Man. He gave…
Green Infrastructure: a park and a parking lot at a time…
-“Green Infrastructure will be part of our culture” That’s what Andy Reese, a storm water expert who is Vice President…
Lawsuit filed against EPA to protect Lake Erie
-Advocates say “Foot dragging has to stop.” Blue green algae bloom on the shore of Catawaba…
Get out and explore a Great Lakes National Park this week
-It’s National Parks Week, and it starts this weekend with free Admission at all National Parks across the U.S. starting…
June 1-7, 2014: Rip Current Awareness Week
-More than 100 people die annually in the United States from drowning in rip currents, according to the United States…
An App to see if it’s a good day at the beach- myBeachCast
-How do you choose a beach safe for your day at the beach? Well to coin a phrase, there’s an…