Blue EconomyClevelandFeature ClevelandFeature HomepageIllinoisIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganNewsOhioOntarioPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental Justice
‘Circular economy’ programs aim to reduce waste and build jobs
-Programs find new life for items including rejected carrots, NFL banners, and discarded clothing.
AdvocacyClimate ChangeDetroitFeature DetroitFeature HomepageFoodLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRecreation and TourismResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchTourism
These 3 Detroit restaurants are tackling climate change in the kitchen
-Food waste is a leading contributor of greenhouse gases. These Detroit restaurants are finding creative – and tasty – ways to reduce their contribution.
Algae BloomsAPClimate ChangeFeature HomepageFish, Birds and AnimalsHabitat RestorationLake HuronLatest NewsMichiganNewsProtectResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Scientists: Atmospheric carbon might turn lakes more acidic
-The Great Lakes have endured a lot the past century, from supersized algae blobs to invasive mussels and bloodsucking sea lamprey.
APFeature HomepageGroundwater ContaminationLake MichiganLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration EffortsWisconsin
Study: Toxic PFAS chemical plume detected in Green Bay
-Toxic chemicals produced by a plant that manufactures firefighting foam has seeped through groundwater to Lake Michigan’s Green Bay.
Books, Authors, Art and MusicClimate ChangeFeature HomepageHistory and CultureLatest NewsNewsRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and FishingResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, Research
Shrinking Winter Update: Researching ice coverage, documenting Great Lakes life
-This episode aired in February and was one of our favorites this year, so we brought it back around with updates.