Asian CarpAuthorsBudgetEpisode 1003Invasive SpeciesNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeSandra Svoboda
Book Club: New book about Asian carp chronicles history, future
- by Sandra SvobodaWith “Overrun: Dispatches from the Asian Carp Crisis,” Reeves weaves politics, history, agriculture, fish biology and several other disciplinary perspectives into the story of the invasive fish.
03Sandra Svoboda -
Will new governor end Illinois’ inertia over Asian carp solution?
In a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers, Pritzker said he “generally supports implementation” of the Corps’ $778 million plan to stop the carp advance at the Brandon Road Lock, a potential choke point some 50 miles from Chicago and Lake Michigan.
Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now -
AuthorsBudgetEquity and Environmental JusticeGary WilsonIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
New Trump budget again proposes drastic cuts for the U.S. EPA, Great Lakes
Titled “A Budget for a Better America,” the Trump administration’s 2020 budget released on Monday makes another attempt to subject the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to draconian funding cuts and proposes to all but eliminate the Obama-era Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now -
AdvocacyAuthorsBudgetDrinking WaterEquity and Environmental JusticeGary WilsonIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRegionWaterfront Development
Some Great Lakes governors make water quality a top priority in first budgets and actions
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday told legislators who have to approve her budget that she wants Michigan to take a new path where “every community has clean safe drinking water.”
Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now -
About Great Lakes NowAuthorsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentNewsRecreation and TourismShipping and Ports
Cruising the Past: Historical film takes viewers on a Great Lakes cruise ship
- by Ian WendrowGreat Lakes cruise-ship season is still a few months away, but a film is taking viewers on a 52-minute voyage to ports of call and many famous sites on the freshwater lakes.
Ian Wendrow -
Great Lakes Moment: Detroit Garden Center Leading by Example
A recent article published by the prestigious National Academy of Sciences concluded what Detroit Garden Center had long known – that small patches of habitat are important to protecting biodiversity or the variety of life on Earth.
John Hartig, Great Lakes Now -
AuthorsBudgetGary WilsonIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeRegionShipping and Ports
Great Lakes shipping industry united on Soo Locks as priority
Great Lakes shipping industry leaders are united on their priorities heading into the 2019 season with securing funding for the Soo Locks at the top of the agenda.
Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now -
Great Lake Gets Great Rights
Voters approved the Lake Erie Bill of Rights in a landslide this week.
Some 61 percent of voters favored the measure with 39 percent voting against it, according to Lucas County Board of Elections unofficial results.James Proffitt, Great Lakes Now -
AuthorsCollaborationDrinking WaterForever Chemicals FeaturedGreat Lakes Now On-Air SpecialsNewsPFASPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeSandra Svoboda
Great Lakes Now/DPTV and MLive Partner for PFAS Reporting
- by GLN EditorAs residents, researchers and lawmakers learn more about how industrial chemicals are permeating household water supplies, MLive Media Group and Detroit Public Television are collaborating to report stories that will help further public understanding of this latest water crisis.
GLN Editor -
AdvocacyAgricultureAuthorsBudgetDrinking WaterEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingEquity and Environmental JusticeJames ProffittLake ErieNewsPolicySandra Svoboda
The Lake Erie Bill of Rights
- by GLN EditorIn advance of this week’s vote on a measure that would grant Lake Erie certain legal status, Great Lakes Now is bringing a variety of perspectives about the issue with these extended conversations.
GLN Editor