Daily Reminder: Kids calendar art brings messages of water stewardship
-Great Lakes Now Host Ward Detwiler helped judge the winners in a student art contest for a 2020 calendar. Here’s how to order your copy.
Pittsburgh’s drinking water passes ‘major milestone’ as lead levels fall below federal threshold
-In results released Friday, a sample of Pittsburgh water contained lead at 10 parts per billion , well below the federal threshold of 15 ppb that would require remedial action.
Great Lakes Energy News Roundup: Disposal of coal ash proposal raises concern, chemistry breakthrough improves solar energy, Ohio anti-bailout court case dropped
-Catch the latest in Great Lakes energy news in Great Lakes Now’s fortnightly energy-related headline roundup.
Weed in the Water: How does cannabis use affect our freshwater ecosystems?
-How does cannabis use affect our freshwater ecosystems? A group of researchers in a remote region of Ontario aims to find out how marijuana impacts water systems and what the implications are for the Great Lakes.
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Chemical Hitchhikers: Great Lakes microplastics may increase risk of PFAS contaminants in food web
-A University of Illinois analytical chemist found that the chemicals used in non-stick products can stick to microplastic particles in lake water.