BuffaloChicagoClevelandCOVID-19DetroitDrinking WaterDuluthFeature ClevelandFeature DetroitFeature MilwaukeeFeature-ChicagoFreightersGary WilsonIllinoisLatest NewsMichiganMilwaukeeMinnesotaNew YorkNewsOhioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWisconsin
Water for All: Milwaukee, Chicago lead in ensuring water during COVID-19 crisis
-Some Great Lakes cities and states are ahead of the game when it comes to ending water shutoffs during the COVID-19 crisis. Others aren’t.
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Gary WilsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectWaterfront Development
Wetland Wisdom: Documentary looks at breakthrough in Great Lakes wetland research
-In this Q&A, Central Michigan University Professor Don Uzarski talks about how critical healthy wetlands are for the Great Lakes region.
COVID-19Gary WilsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsOhioOntarioPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Research Unknowns: COVID-19 puts Great Lakes field research prep on hold
-While field research prep is delayed, the science itself hasn’t stopped as universities and researchers continue to work.
DetroitDrinking WaterFeature DetroitGary WilsonLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Withdrawals
Michigan Water Shutoffs: A test of governor’s commitment to social, environmental justice
-Gov. Gretchen Whitmer campaigned on an aggressive water platform. Now those campaign pledges are being put to the test.
Books, Authors, Art and MusicChicagoEvents and Special BroadcastsFeature-ChicagoFish, Birds and AnimalsGary WilsonIllinoisLake MichiganLatest NewsNewsRecreation and Tourism
Piping Plovers: Film fest spotlights endangered bird’s return to Chicago’s Lake Michigan shore
-The One Earth Film Festival kicks off its 9th season in Chicago starting Friday.
BudgetChicagoClevelandDetroitDetroit RiverDrinking WaterEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingFeature ClevelandFeature DetroitFeature MilwaukeeFeature-ChicagoGary WilsonGroundwater ContaminationIllinoisIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganMilwaukeeNewsOhioPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectRecreation and TourismShipping and PortsThe StatesTourismWaterfront DevelopmentWisconsin
Who’s in charge: Lack of storage facility oversight puts waterways at risk
-In major lakeside cities around the Great Lakes, there isn’t a clear answer on who handles oversight of industrial storage facilities.
BudgetDrinking WaterGary WilsonIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeProtectQuebecThe ProvincesThe StatesU.S. and Canadian Federal GovernmentsWaterfront Development
Third Rail Proposal: Selling Great Lakes water proposed to lower lake levels
-University of Chicago law professor proposes selling Great Lakes water, sparking renewed denials and reminders of why that isn’t a current possibility.
Drinking WaterGary WilsonIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLatest NewsMichiganNewsPolicyPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Core priority: Michigan environmental budget boosts funding for EGLE
-Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer spotlighted the environment and clean water in her budget proposal after giving it just a passing mention in her State of the State speech.