Buffalo and the Great Lakes

Great Lakes Now's coverage of the Queen City.

Great Lakes Now Featured Articles About Buffalo

What would the Great Lakes region be like with bullet trains?
- by Sean Ericson, Great Lakes Now

Exploring how high speed rail could transform the Great Lakes region.

Are Great Lakes cities ready for climate migrants?
- by Great Lakes Echo

The Great Lakes region has a lower risk of extreme weather compared to other parts of the country.

Mapping the Great Lakes: Snowfall in the snowbelt
- by Alex Hill

Another environmental oddity of the Great Lakes region is the existence of snowbelts or large areas impacted by lake effect snow.

Buffalo legislator calls for bill of rights protection for the Great Lakes
- by Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now

Unique legislation would provide “personhood” rights but legal barriers to adoption are significant. Public Trust doctrine as an alternative.

The 2022 Great Lakes shipping season sets sail after COVID-19 hurdles
- by Maya Sundaresan

The 2021 shipping season was a “bounce-back season,” which Great Lakes port administrators attribute to increased cargo and infrastructure improvements.

EPA to test, measure longtime Buffalo River cleanup efforts
- by The Associated Press

The lengthy effort to clean up the Buffalo River could pay off in the next few years.

Erie Hack Finals: Is Lake Erie’s most pressing water problem toxins, agriculture or infrastructure design?
- by Natasha Blakely

Erie Hack is a “multi-month innovation challenge” that encourages people from the U.S. and Canada to pitch their ideas for new ways and technologies to help Lake Erie, with prizes of $30,000 and $15,000 at stake for the winner and runner up.

Investing in the Lakes: New bill could redirect tech money to neglected Great Lakes cities

The Great Lakes region is “regularly overlooked by federal lawmakers, investors and innovators,” but new legislation may help the region shake its Rust Belt image and secure tech and innovation investments.

Water Access: As moratoria on shutoffs end, old problems return to the forefront
- by Kari Lydersen

As moratoria expire across the Great Lakes region, advocates say ongoing affordability and debt relief are key.

Great Lakes Gift Guide 2020: Remember that road trip, boat ride, microbrew or sweatshirt you should’ve bought with this list
- by Natasha Blakely

Try these gifts from a variety of places in the Great Lakes region in our selected categories of markets, food and drink, potato chips, books, home decor and wearables.

Groups hope NY rules get pollutants out of drinking water
- by The Associated Press

New York has also approved maximum contaminant levels for industrial chemicals PFOA and PFOS.

Review Underway: Will IJC’s efforts be enough for flooded shoreline municipalities?
- by Samantha Cantie

Plan 2014 is a water level regulation plan, implemented in January 2017, for the Lake Ontario-St.Lawrence River system.