Blue Economy

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Transitioning to a New Economy

The blue economy is a phrase used to describe economic activity in, on and around water. New Baltimore, Michigan is an example of a community transitioning to a blue economy, and the citizens, policy makers and entrepreneurs in the area are focused on three areas: Recreation, manufacturing, and business development. This segment from Detroit Public Television looks at the risks, rewards and opportunities of the blue economy in New Baltimore.

Forestry in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Sustainable agriculture is a part of the blue economy – and that includes trees.The timber industry has been a mainstay of Michigan’s blue economy for nearly two centuries. But it almost disappeared, and jobs and a way of life were threatened. Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau trekked to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and brought back this story about how sustainable tree harvesting has revived a historic industry.

An Innovative Solution to Invasive Plants

Outdoor recreation is a part of the blue economy, but if access to parks is blocked, it reduces the economic impact of natural areas. Ottawa County, Michigan has launched an innovative program to solve the problem – goats! Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau looks at how one county is making wild areas beautiful and accessible, while protecting the environment.

The Next Generation of Stewards

Natural Resource education is a part of the blue economy, and at the Leslie Science and Nature Center, they set young students on the path to understanding their role in the blue economy. Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau spends a day the Leslie Science and Nature Center to see how children are learning about how the environment and the economy interact.

History as an Economic Driver

Toledo, Ohio is betting on the blue economy to bring life back to its downtown. The city has struggled to attract commercial and residential development to its urban center for more almost forty years. Now, Toledo may be on track to reviving its downtown, and the key element is water. The Great Lakes Bureau at Detroit Public Television investigates how the growth of the National Museum of the Great Lakes is attracting business, industry and residents to Toledo’s riverfront.

Turning the Page to Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainable manufacturing is a part of the blue economy. At the New Page Paper Mill, sustainability is a part of their corporate culture. Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau visited the mill, and the surrounding community, to learn how they are working together to preserve natural resources, and sustain an industry for generations to come.

Delivering the Water We Drink

The water crisis in Flint is the biggest story to hit the blue economy. Clean water is flowing to Flint from the Great Lakes Water Authority, and the focus is now on replacing the lead service lines that run into the city’s homes. Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau gets a first hand look at how clean water and new pipes are starting to resolve the crisis.

Just Because the Blooms in Lake Erie Slow Down, Doesn’t Mean We Do

The team at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) is responsible for monitoring one of the greatest threats to the blue economy — Harmful Algal Blooms, or H-A-Bs. Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau takes a look at how the GLERL team is refining their monitoring techniques and developing new technologies to prepare for the next algae season.