“Spirits Dancing: The Night Sky, Indigenous Knowledge & Living Connections to the Cosmos” incorporates a “two-eyed seeing” approach to learning about the cosmos.
In Ojibwe country, change is understood to be a constant condition or state of being. Sometimes change is difficult, and sometimes change is good. A very good effort to change happened on May 2, 2023.
“I think next time I decide to make a batch, I’ll add a bit of manoomin — wild rice — flour along with a touch of maple sugar, to see how that fries up in a little bit of grease, and give thanks for all that we have.”
The Grand Portage Band was the first Tribal Nation in the country to have a beach program and has been monitoring water quality at tribally-held beaches since 2007.
Raised on Saganagons Lake in the border country between the U.S. and Canada, Milt Powell was a great friend of the Drouillard family. He and my dad had many adventures as kids and young men, learning the way of the woods in far northeastern Minnesota.
On Oct. 15, 1900, the adults, children and elders of the Cheboiganing Band of Ottawa and Chippewa were forced out of their beds and made to watch as their houses were doused with kerosene and burned to the ground.
It was early November 2019 and downtown Grand Marais was preparing for a two-year highway project. Trees—big and small, were being marked for disposal and cut down all along the Highway 61 corridor.
There are a few early maps that tell us what these places were called prior to colonization, but many of the oldest names once known by Indigenous people have been lost or buried.