Books, Authors, Art and MusicForests and PlantsHistory and CultureLatest NewsMichiganNewsScience, Technology, Research
Points North: The plant musician
-Tom Wall is a West Michigan rock star who uses plants as bandmates. He uses a device to harness the electricity in plants, which then turns those impulses into musical notes. Tom insists the plants are talking to us through the music. But can they really do that?
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How climate change can confuse fall foliage
-Northern Michigan had another beautiful fall full of brilliant foliage. When and how those leaves change depends on a lot of factors, including a changing climate.
Points North: Pier pressure
-Lane Frame was visiting the Great Lakes for the first time. It was a windy day and the water was rough, but Lane and his brothers headed onto a pier to see a lighthouse. Then a wave crashed over the breakwall and pushed him into the water. Lane drowned, but maybe it didn’t have to be that way.
Where Do Solar Panels Go To Die?
-The vast majority of panels are thrown away in landfills — only about 10% are recycled.
Michigan Legislature tackles ambitious climate legislation. How far will it go?
-Gov. Gretchen Whitmer released the MI Healthy Climate Plan last year. Now the state legislature is trying to take those goals and turn them into law.
CollaborationFish, Birds and AnimalsLatest NewsMichiganNewsPoints NorthScience, Technology, Research
Points North: We Got Jellyfish!
-Freshwater jellyfish have been in inland lakes and rivers throughout the Great Lakes region since 1933. But a century after their discovery, we still don’t know much about the elusive creatures. A team of student scientists is trying to change that.
Feature HomepageInvasive SpeciesLatest NewsMichiganNewsRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and FishingScience, Technology, Research
Points North: Dirty Laundry, Invasive Species, and the Limitations of Knowledge
-Invasive species can spread by hitching a ride on anglers who don’t clean their gear. This is widely known, but research suggests many anglers still don’t clean, even if it protects fish.
CollaborationEnergy, Clean Energy, Ethanol and FrackingIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentInfrastructureLatest NewsNewsScience, Technology, ResearchTraverse City
‘Solar grazing’ is a way for farmers and solar companies to use land. But there are challenges
-Some solar companies and farmers are trying to work together to use land in ways that will benefit everyone involved.
Points North: Rock Rehab
-Rock hunting holds a special place in Joyce Fetrow’s heart. Years ago, she battled alcoholism that drove her to some dark places. Now, Joyce dedicates her life to helping others find recovery, and says rocks remind her of that journey and inspire her to keep on track with her sobriety.
Points North: The Stone Skipping Philosopher
-Kurt Steiner holds the world record for stone skipping. He throws rocks because it makes him happy. And because he says it’s key to escaping digital self-saturation.