As Nestle continues to fight to increase its Michigan water withdrawals in court, three bills were introduced that would increase state control over its water resources.
The issue of Great Lakes water diversions comes back to the forefront with a recent attempt by a Minnesota company to look into diverting water to Colorado.
Some feel commercial fishing and electrical barriers are enough to keep the carp out of the Great Lakes, while others are pushing for the Brandon Road lock project.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently appointed Ninah Sasy to fill the new clean water public advocate position she created in the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy.
In his speech at Central Michigan University’s annual Great Lakes Symposium, Rep. Bill Huizenga talked at length about how Great Lakes issues transcend partisan political bickering.
The Wisconsin DNR is slowly looking at addressing the issue of manure spills and their impact, but local farmers are feeling targeted by the potential new regulations.
A study released by three nonprofit organizations found that rural communities with high populations of people of color are most impacted by water quality issues.