DetroitEvents and Special BroadcastsGreat Lakes Now Watch PartiesHabitat RestorationLake St. ClairWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Watch Party: Coastal Wetlands, Part 1
-In this live watch party, Host Sandra Svoboda chats with WDET’s Annamarie Sysling and Friends of the Rouge River Executive Director Marie McCormick about two restoration projects around the Detroit River area.
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National Recognition: Great Lakes Now wins “Best News and Public Affairs” program for public broadcasting
-With its monthly show, digital and social media content, educational resources, and audience engagement, Great Lakes Now earned an award from the National Educational Telecommunications Association.
New Channel: Great Lakes Now anchors Saturday evenings on Michigan Learning Channel
-With 24/7 at-home learning programs, the Michigan Learning Channel also introduces the Great Lakes to young viewers.
The Great Lakes Agenda – Episode 1021
-The White House and the U.S. Senate change hands. What will it mean for the Great Lakes?
Events and Special BroadcastsFish, Birds and AnimalsGreat Lakes Now Watch PartiesInvasive SpeciesNewsScience, Technology, Research
Watch Party: Invaders on the Menu
-In this “watch party,” originally broadcast on Facebook on Jan. 8, 2021, Belle Isle Aquarium Aquarist Amanda Murray chats with…
Events and Special BroadcastsFreightersGreat Lakes Now Watch PartiesIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentLighthouses, Museums and Cultural InstitutionsShipping and PortsShipwrecksWelland Canal
Watch Party: Ships and Shipwrecks
-Come aboard a boat that delivers mail to ships on the Great Lakes, learn about life on a Great Lakes…
Ships and Shipwrecks – Episode 1002 Rebroadcast
-Come aboard a boat that delivers mail to ships on the Great Lakes. Learn about life on a Great Lakes freighter, and dive into some incredible shipwrecks that you don’t necessarily need a scuba tank to see in the Great Lakes’ only national marine sanctuary.
Watch Party: Detroit River’s High Water
-Jacqueline Serran with the Detroit River Canadian Clean Up, WDET’s Annamarie Sysling and Great Lakes Now’s Sandra Svoboda chat about high water level impacts on habitat and communities along the Detroit River in Canada and the U.S.
Climate ChangeLake ErieLake HuronLake MichiganLake OntarioLake SuperiorLatest NewsNewsPolitics, Policy, Environmental JusticeU.S. and Canadian Federal Governments
Index: International Joint Commission’s 2020 Triennial Assessment of Progress Report
-Here’s a handy index of all the reports referenced in the IJC’s 2020 triennial report.