
The Checkup

This Great Lakes News Collaborative series examines the links between the region’s changing climate, its abundant water and its residents’ health.

The collaborative’s five newsrooms — Bridge Michigan, Circle of Blue, Great Lakes Now, Michigan Public and The Narwhal — are funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

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A New Paradigm: How climate change is shaping mental landscapes in the Great Lakes
- by Mia Litzenberg

A changing climate is causing psychological distress across the Great Lakes. From the loss of heritage crops, disappearing ice and record-breaking floods, residents across the region are looking for new forms of support.

Cattle Production That Enhances Water and Environmental Quality
- by Circle of Blue

Michigan State’s Jason Rowntree is out to prove that ranching is an ecological asset.

When the Heat Is On, Water Can Still Be Off in Great Lakes Cities
- by Circle of Blue

Formal water shutoff policies in some cities are ill-defined for extreme heat.

Heat, pollution, and climate change anxiety are affecting children
- by Michigan Public

Hotter days make heat exhaustion a greater hazard for kids. Unusual weather events, particularly storms that cause flooding, add stress to children’s lives.

Michigan medical students fight to make climate change part of curriculum
- by Bridge Michigan

Doctors need to understand how climate change plays a role in health, so Michigan medical students are pushing for climate health education in their programs.

Heat Islands in the Great Lakes: Community, infrastructure and fresh water solutions

Heat is becoming a threat in cities everywhere. Here is the second half of our two-part series which looks at the connection between heat and health, the role water plays, what’s being done, and where these cities have room to improve.

Heat Islands in the Great Lakes: The human health cost

Heat is becoming a threat in cities everywhere. Here is part one of our two-part series that takes a looks at the connection between heat and health, the role water plays, what’s being done and where these cities have room to improve.

Drugs, microplastics and forever chemicals: New contaminants emerge in the Great Lakes
- by The Narwhal

Scientists studying unregulated “emerging contaminants” say Ontario and the federal government need a coordinated plan to protect our water and health

In warming Great Lakes region, water, heat can be an unhealthy combination

From mosquitoes to sewer overflows, the heat and moisture of a changing climate are creating new health threats in the Great Lakes region, prompting a call to educate residents and doctors about the risks.

Bald eagles nearly died out. What can we learn from their return to the southern Great Lakes?
- by The Narwhal

The pesticide DDT nearly wiped out North America’s bald eagles. Communities, scientists and politicians worked hard to bring this symbolic bird back from the brink.

Wildfire Rampage Injures Lungs in the Great Lakes
- by Circle of Blue

People are unprepared for smoke from forest fires worsened by intense drought and heat.

More from the Great Lakes News Collaborative

Cheryl Porter’s vision for the future of water
- by Great Lakes Now

With 28 years of experience in the water sector, Cheryl Porter shares her inspiring journey from junior chemist in Detroit to leading the American Water Works Association.

Heat Islands in the Great Lakes: Community, infrastructure and fresh water solutions

Heat is becoming a threat in cities everywhere. Here is the second half of our two-part series which looks at the connection between heat and health, the role water plays, what’s being done, and where these cities have room to improve.

Canada-U.S. mayors want to tap Great Lakes region’s water for economic transformation
- by Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now

“Sustainable prosperity” and innovation are key to mayors’ 10-year plan. Expert says economic transition from the Rust Belt era is more appropriate, cautions “today’s abundance may be tomorrow’s drought.”

Waves of Change: Meet activist and We the People of Detroit president Monica Lewis-Patrick
- by Great Lakes Now

Waves of Change is an online interview series highlighting the diverse faces and perspectives shaping the environmental justice movement throughout the Great Lakes region.

Waves of Change: Meet educator and Friends of the Fox River president Gary Swick
- by Great Lakes Now

Waves of Change is an online interview series highlighting the diverse faces and perspectives shaping the environmental justice movement throughout the Great Lakes region.

PFAS News Roundup: PFAS are shown to be unique bipartisan voting concern in Wisconsin

Catch the latest updates on what’s happening with PFAS in this biweekly headline roundup.

Finding creative new ways to manage invasive cattails
- by Lily Stewart, Great Lakes Now

Scientists are thinking holistically about biodiversity, sustainability, and resilience when it comes to the role invasive cattails play in the Great Lakes.

Line 5 activist group wants Gov. Whitmer to “be an advocate” for shutdown
- by Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now

In a late move, the Department of Justice sides with Canada on continued operation of Line 5, citing treaty and the public’s interest.

Ghostly Grey Specters
- by Andrew Reeves

How unprecedented water levels are fluctuating in the Georgian Bay, impacting the lives of long-standing residents, including humans and trees.

Through a Glass Darkly
- by Sean Ericson, Great Lakes Now

Antidepressants can affect reaction times in fish and birth control gives male specimens female traits. How might pharmaceutical pollution impact life around the Great Lakes?

International nuclear energy expert questions Michigan’s Palisades restart
- by Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now

Holtec’s lack of nuclear operating experience is cited as a potential issue, and expert Mycle Schneider urges a focus on renewables.

Three Great Lakes commissions announce partnership to advance restoration

First-of-its-kind agreement takes aim at leading threats to Great Lakes region.

“Bad River” documentary combines historical treatment of indigenous people with the fight to protect Lake Superior 
- by Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now

Filmmaker Mary Mazzio talks about capturing the Bad River Tribe’s fight to shut down Line 5 oil pipeline.

Waves of Change: Meet Milwaukee Water Commons Co-Executive Director Brenda Coley
- by Great Lakes Now

We spoke with Brenda Coley, co-executive director of the urban network and non-profit organization Milwaukee Water Commons.

WATCH: Why Chicago will take decades to replace lead pipes
- by Great Lakes Now

The EPA recently proposed new rules that would remove lead pipes from America’s drinking water infrastructure over the next decade. But with more lead pipes than any other city, Chicago is a notable exception.

The future of water management, with Curt Wolf
- by Lisa John Rogers, Great Lakes Now

After Detroit’s 2021 catastrophic flooding event, new ideas emerged about climate adaptation. Curt Wolf sat down with Great Lakes Now to discuss how the Michigan Center for Freshwater Innovation is bringing solutions to the table by getting everyone to the table.

Study calls for EPA to include human well-being in Great Lakes restoration program
- by Gary Wilson, Great Lakes Now

Historically restoration work focused on measurable ecological outcomes. Researchers make the case to codify human well-being into the process.

Great Lakes Moment: Lest we forget – A history of Detroit River oil pollution
- by John Hartig

Today, the Detroit River is much cleaner, and sentinel wildlife species have returned. It is good to look back at the 1960s pollution of the river, notably oil pollution, and recognize how far we have come.

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