This lesson will explore the phenomenon of erosion, as students learn about the diversity of rocks present in the Great Lakes. They will explore the geology of the region and the outdoor adventure that make rock hunting in this area special, as well as conduct a variety of experiments to better understand rock formation and classification in the Great Lakes.
- Know the difference between weathering and erosion
- Understand what makes rockhounding in the Great Lakes unique
- Be able to conduct experiments to test and evaluate different rock samples
View the entire lesson plan including teacher background information, worksheets and more below or download for free here.
Activity 1:
This activity is a video discussion of a Great Lakes Now segment about what rock hunters have found in the Great Lakes region. During the video they need to jot down four things they took away from the video using the 4 Notes Summary Protocol.
Watch a Great Lakes Now Segment
Activity 2:
In this activity, students will read about how researchers are looking at vegetables and juices for alternatives to road salt to combat icy road conditions in the Great Lakes winters. In part, road salt causes damage and deterioration to roads, but it also poses concerns for the environment. And that’s why scientists are seeking to find alternative ways to de-ice the roads.
Read About the Mineral Road Salt
Activity 3:
The purpose of this activity is to test the properties of various rocks in order to compare and classify them.
Activity 4:
The purpose of this activity is for students to conduct an erosion simulation experiment, which will introduce them to the basic processes of erosion and sedimentation, to model how natural forces shape landscapes.
Activity 5:
The purpose of this multi-day project is to engage students in an immersive exploration of rocks and minerals in their local community, while developing their observation, research, and presentation skills.
Rock Hunting in Your Community
Learn all about Episode 2308: Ancient Rocks, Tender Fruit on this month’s landing page.
If you use this lesson or any of its activities with your learners, we’d love to hear about it! Contact us with any feedback or questions at: GreatLakesNow@DPTV.org