Shrinking Winter Update: Researching ice coverage, documenting Great Lakes life

Shrinking Winter Update: Researching ice coverage, documenting Great Lakes life
December 29, 2022 GLN Editor

In “Shrinking Winter,” scientists work to understand the causes and potential effects of less ice cover on the Great Lakes, a documentary photographer and three longtime ice anglers reflect on changes to the winter fishing season, and a competitive speed skater reflects on the joys of “wild ice.”

This episode originally aired in February and was one of the team’s favorites this year, so we brought it back around for the holiday season with updates.

Great Lakes Now checks in with photographer Amy Sacka in an update on what she’s been documenting around the Great Lakes recently. Her project on the tradition of ice fishing was featured in our “Angling for Ice” segment.

Great Lakes Now also checks in with Ayumi Fujisaki Manome, assistant research scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research and Steve Ruberg, lead of the Observing Systems and Advanced Technology Branch at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in an update on what they’ve been up to. Their work was featured in our “Shrinking Winter” segment.

Catch more news at Great Lakes Now: 

Cold Cover: Great Lakes ice forms after initial low percentage

Great Lakes researchers predict record-low ice coverage

Featured image: An ice fishing instructor holds up his catch during Mark Martin’s ice fishing school on Houghton Lake. (Photo Credit: GLN) 


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