Salamanders, Shipping and Shorelines: The Great Lakes Now Episode Quiz

Salamanders, Shipping and Shorelines: The Great Lakes Now Episode Quiz
July 29, 2022 Anna Sysling

Great Lakes Now tries to make every episode interesting and educational.

In “Salamanders, Shipping and Shorelines,” learn about how a town in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is taking action to save the blue-spotted salamander, take a look at whether Great Lakes ports could be the key to easing congestion in global shipping, and see The Catch explore whitefish recruitment in the Great Lakes, ecological resilience in Toronto and ancient white cedars on the limestone cliffs of Michigan’s Fayette Historic State Park.

Watch the episode here:

It’s a lot for one episode, so why not take this quiz to see how much of it stuck with you:

Catch more news at Great Lakes Now: 

Why did the salamander cross the road?

Can shipping on the Great Lakes take the next step toward transporting high-value container cargo?

Featured image: A headlamp allows scientists to observe the nocturnal behavior of blue-spotted salamanders in Marquette, MI. (Photo Credit: Great Lakes Now)


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