Whether they’re in oceans or the Great Lakes, shipwrecks create unique ecosystems for a variety of aquatic life. They also have historical significance and provide recreational opportunities for divers, snorkelers and boaters.
Scenes of them open the PBS documentary series “The Age of Nature,” which broadcasts on PBS stations across the country in October 2020.
In this watch party, originally scheduled on Facebook on Oct. 12, 2020, Great Lakes Now Program Director Sandra Svoboda chats with maritime archaeologist Stephanie Gandulla from NOAA’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, Michigan and Dr. Ashley Elgin, an ecologist with NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Laboratory.
This Watch Party was co-hosted by Great Lakes Now at Detroit Public Television, NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Laboratory, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and The Nature Conservancy Michigan.
For more of the connections between Great Lakes Now and issues presented in “The Age of Nature,” visit GreatLakesNow.org/Age of Nature or check out our PLAYLIST on our YouTube channel.
Here is more of Great Lakes Now‘s work on shipwrecks:
“Dream Big”: Diving the five lakes in 24 hours, from the perspective of one of the divers