30 in Their Thirties: Great Lakes Now host makes the list

30 in Their Thirties: Great Lakes Now host makes the list
September 16, 2020 GLN Editor

When Great Lakes Now Host Ward Detwiler isn’t introducing PBS audiences to the joys and troubles of the Great Lakes on our monthly program, he’s busy running a software company that’s revolutionizing MRI technology.

That work recently landed him on DBusiness Magazine‘s 2020 “30 in Their Thirties” list.

Ward Detwiler (Photo by Sandra Svoboda)

This year’s list “dug deep for an extra measure of fortitude to meet the outbreak of COVID-19 and, along the way, developed new products and services, sought out cutting-edge business models, and pivoted into unchartered waters,” according to the magazine’s website.

“Getting acknowledged like this is a really big honor,” Detwiler said. “But I think it says so much more about what we’re doing at SpinTech with imaging and medical technology, and the kind of impact we can have, so I’m really grateful for that.”

Detwiler also was named one of Crain’s Detroit Business’s “40 Under 40” for 2019.

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Read more about the GLN Host on our “About” page HERE.

Featured image: Ward Detwiler (Photo by Sandra Svoboda)


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