The Future of Detroit’s Riverfront

The Future of Detroit’s Riverfront
February 26, 2018 Christy McDonald

(From Great Lakes Bureau Chief Mary Ellen Geist: Cities and towns across the Great Lakes are improving their waterfronts at a rapid pace, and realizing the economic gains that can be created not only for residents but to bring in tourists and as a draw for new businesses. Detroit is looking at new designs to further develop almost two dozen acres along the Detroit River. MiWeek Anchor Christy McDonald files this report for DPTV’s

On February 8th, four design firms presented their final proposals for the West Riverfront development project to the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy.

The Conservancy has gone through a long process to narrow down what should be part of the 22-acre site along the water.  They gathered a diverse group of Detroiters, called their Community Advisory Team, and traveled to New York City, Chicago and Philadelphia to see how other cities use their waterfront.  They came up with some unique ideas for design firms to incorporate.

The plans from the four finalists are now on display in the lobby at 1001 Woodward in Detroit, so people can get a closer look and give their feedback.

We met with John Gallagher, senior business columnist at the Detroit Free Press, to give us some insight on the plans.

John has a keen eye for design and has written several books on urban development and Detroit.

There’s no doubt that the development along the waterfront over the last 10 years has had a huge impact on the city, how we experience the water and how it all ties into Detroit’s growth.

We’ll find out later this spring what plan has been chosen.   Let us know how you enjoy the riverfront and what plans you’d like to see – we’d love to hear from you.

For more on the plans and development, check out the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy.


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