NOVA: Poisoned Water premieres tonight

NOVA: Poisoned Water premieres tonight
May 28, 2017 GLN Editor

What exactly went wrong in Flint, and what does it mean for the rest of the country?

How safe is our tap water? In Poisoned Water, NOVA investigates what happened in Flint, Michigan, when local officials changed the city’s water source to save money, but overlooked a critical treatment process. As the water pipes corroded, lead leached into the system, exposing the community to dangerous levels of poison.

NOVA uncovers the science behind this disaster, from the intricacies of water chemistry to the biology of lead poisoning and the misuse of science itself. The issue reaches far beyond Flint – water systems across the country are similarly vulnerable. Can we protect ourselves from poisoned water?

Watch “Poisoned Water” at 9pm ET on Detroit Public Television


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