Including First Nations and Tribal Voices in Great Lakes Environmental Policy Decisions

Including First Nations and Tribal Voices in Great Lakes Environmental Policy Decisions
October 18, 2016 GLN Editor

On the heels of two major Great Lakes related conferences being covered by the Great Lakes Bureau at DPTV, we’ve noticed that a theme arising across government bodies and Great Lakes related organizations: there is a call for a more diverse, inclusive representation of people who live and work in the Great Lakes basin to be part of not only the conversation, but the research and policy decisions that are being made. At this year’s Great Lakes Public Forum in Toronto, there were new efforts made to include First Nations and Tribal voices in particular. In this video, Cameron Davis from the US Environmental Protection Agency, explains some of those efforts, as well as the common ground he believes they are finding across communities. To read more about this, check out our coverage of day two of the forum here.


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