Great Lakes Today on toxic fish in the immigrant community

Great Lakes Today on toxic fish in the immigrant community
September 13, 2016 Great Lakes Today

Photo by Georgie Pauwels (Creative Common License)

We love this short radio piece from our friends at Great Lakes Today that follows the efforts of organizations on the ground in Buffalo, New York as they reach out to the diverse population who fish there to educate them on the dangers of contamination consumption. Contaminated fish aren’t just an issue in Buffalo, NY, nor are they a problem limited to the immigrant community. Through out the Great Lakes people are supplementing their diets with fish they catch themselves – in some cases because they simply can’t afford to buy their meat elsewhere. Immigrant populations are disproportionately effected, due to cultural traditions they bring with them, a lack of economic resources and language barriers. Contaminant levels vary from place to place, and each state’s department of natural resources has recommendations and guidelines for fish consumption in their area. Our colleagues at the Great Lakes Information Network have compiled a list of resources that can help you identify the risk in your neck of the water. In the coming months, the Great Lakes Bureau here at Detroit Public Television will be taking a look at fishing here on the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair to find out who is fishing our waters, and what they are eating.

Check out the audio story here:


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