Cities Initiative Launches Best Practices Library

Cities Initiative Launches Best Practices Library
December 9, 2015 Lea Vigi

Great Lakes St Lawrence Cities initiative

The Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is excited to announce its new Best Practices Library, a searchable database of Best Practices, Tools, and Information Documents targeted towards our member municipalities in the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Region.

The Library aims to facilitate a simple and easy research process; documents are sorted by category, region, and resource type, and resources are targeted towards both mayors and municipal staff. The library’s topics include water quality, climate change, outreach and education, waterfront management, sustainability plans, and many more, and is available in both English and French.

The Library has been curated to serve municipalities of all shapes, sizes, and resource levels, rural and urban. This project is part of the Cities Initiative’s ongoing work to facilitate the sharing of best practices among Great Lakes and St. Lawrence municipalities and to work toward continued protection and restoration of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region

Click here to access the Best Practices Library >


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