Detroit Public Television Announces
Launch of The Great Lakes Bureau
Provides Live Stream of Great Lakes Week to Environmental, Regional, News Websites & TV Stations
For Immediate Release
CONTACT: Della Cassia
DETROIT (September 28, 2015) – Over the past four years, Detroit Public Television (DPTV) has been telling stories and providing coverage of important conferences and issues related to protecting, cherishing and enjoying the Great Lakes. Now, thanks to the generous support of the Erb Family Foundation, DPTV is establishing year-round coverage to help tell the stories of the lakes on an ongoing basis.
GreatLakesNow.org and DPTV will share stories of unique cultures and history in the Great Lakes basin, how the fresh water of the Great Lakes is generating jobs and economic activity, exploring the recreational opportunities available, as well as continuing to monitor the health of the ecosystem.
“It is the mission of GreatLakesNow.org and DPTV to provide information for citizens to make informed decisions about water issues in communities. Eventually, the site will provide environmental education support for school children and teachers,” said Georgeann Herbert, DPTV’s Senior Vice President of Strategy and Engagement. “Through on-air and online reporting, DPTV will partner with various organizations to collect important stories, as well as produce original content to engage and educate viewers throughout the United States and Canada.”
The bureau’s inaugural coverage will start this morning and for the next two days, with live coverage of not one—but two important conferences: The 11th Annual Great Lakes Restoration Conference (hosted by Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition); and the Great Lakes Commission 2015 Annual Meeting. Coverage will be available on the Great Lakes Now website, http://greatlakesnow.org.
The Great Lakes Restoration Conference http://conference.healthylakes.org/ provides a three-day forum for participants to learn about important Great Lakes restoration issues, network at the largest annual gathering of Great Lakes supporters and activists, and develop strategies to advance federal, regional and local restoration goals.
The collective gathering—known as Great Lakes Week—will attract close to 700 activists, government representatives, industry leaders, tribal members, environmental consultants, and academic institutions under one roof to network and collaborate on issues of critical urgency facing the Great Lakes. Topics discussed include: The Indiana dunes, Green Infrastructure, Algae, The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA), Environmental Justice, The Great Rivers Chicago project, Asian Carp, & more!
The Great Lakes Commission 2015 Annual Meeting is an opportunity for Great Lakes stakeholders to convene with colleagues and share perspectives on important Great Lakes issues. This is a time of exciting opportunities for the Great Lakes region, yet we face continuing challenges, not the least of which are the ever-changing nature of the region’s economy, and dealing with threats from a changing climate and invasive species.
Funding for the Great Lakes Bureau is provided by The Erb Foundation and matching sponsors and individuals. Support for DPTV’s Energy and Environment work is provided by The Richard C. Devereaux Fund.
About Detroit Public Television
Detroit Public Television (DPTV) is the non-commercial, viewer-supported PBS-member station watched by more than 1.5 million people in Detroit and Southeast Michigan and another 1.2 million people throughout Canada. DPTV also manages WRCJ 90.9 FM, Detroit’s classical and jazz radio station, in collaboration with the license-holder, the Detroit Public Schools. The radio station is located in the Detroit School of Arts. DPTV is licensed to the Detroit Educational Television Foundation and governed by a volunteer board of trustees from the local business, civic, and cultural communities.