Detroit Public TV and The Nature Conservancy hosted a seminar on Invasive Species in the Great Lakes. Click the upper left corner of the player for the full playlist
This Great Lakes Now special was moderated by veteran journalist Christy McDonald, the panels included:
Panel #1: They’re Here! (and it’s more than just Carp!)
Patrick Doran, Director of Conservation Programs, The Nature Conservancy in Michigan, Moderator
- Kathryn Buckner, President, Council of Great Lakes Industries
- Dr. Marc Gaden, Great Lakes Fishery Commission
- Dr. Hugh MacIsaac, Professor at the University of Windsor and Director of the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network
- Paul Pacholski, President, Ohio-Lake Erie Charter Boat Association
Panel #2: The Search for Solutions
Lindsay Chadderton, Director, Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species, The Nature Conservancy, Moderator
- Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee
- Matt Doss, Policy Director, Great Lakes Commission
- Phil Moy, Assistant Director of Research, Wisconsin Sea Grant
- Sara LeSage, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Visit nature.org/ais for more information about Aquatic Invasive Species.
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For more information about the panel discussion you can read the press release or email greatlakesnow@dptv.org.