The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a request for applications soliciting proposals from states, municipalities, tribes, universities and nonprofit organizations for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) grants to fund new projects to restore & protect the Great Lakes. Up to $9.5 million may be awarded during this funding cycle. The EPA will hold a webinar to provide more details on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 from 11:00 – 12:30 pm.
Applications are requested for projects in these four categories:
- Reducing exposure to toxic substances from fish consumption
- Invasive species prevention & control
- Lake Erie Cooperative Science & Monitoring Initiative
- Facilitation of Lakewide Action & Management Plan (LAMP) stakeholder forums.
For more information on The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative visit www.glri.us.
The request for an application and more information about applying for the grants & the webinar are available HERE – Applications are due August 14, 2013.
1 Comment
I was watching about the pipe line that crosses the straights of Mackinac. It is crazy that they allowed an oil pipe line to go under the largest fresh water body. it is just laying on the bottom with no protection. its been there 60 years and they are increasing the volume going through the pipe line. there is no flow meters on each side of the pipe line or pressure transducers to check if there is a leak that is stupid also there should be valves on each side with manned control shacks that look for problems or terrorist. it is out in the open in the water just laying on the bottom. someone could just tie a chain or cable to it with a boat and tear it apart. or easily scuba down and blow it up. and cause such a disaster it would ruin the economy and water way. since the company running the pipe line has not had a good track record or response time. the 60 year old pipe line needs to be changed. it should be on the side of the bridge where it can be inspected better and watched. also if its in the winter then it still could be fixed easier than if its under the ice. also under the water what if a boat sunk and hit it. it is just a nightmare waiting to happen. the Michigan representatives need to have the president at Mackinac island and discuss this and get something done now. even if the pipe line is ok it is a terrorist possible attack that needs to be address so it gets the proper protection.