Researchers find some Great Lakes fish safer to eat than others

Researchers find some Great Lakes fish safer to eat than others
August 17, 2012 GLN Editor

The Great Lakes are known for their pristine waters and world-class fishing. Anglers from across the country, indeed from all over the world, visit our shores each year to try to fool a trout or snag a bass. While many anglers prefer to catch-and-release their quarry, there are some who like to put a fresh catch on the table. Use our handy guide below to see which fish are the safest to eat, and which you might consider throwing back…


Environmental Protection Agency 
Find out general information about eating fish in the Great Lakes

Ontario Ministry of the Environment  
Interactive Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish

Great Lakes Information Network
A state by state list of fish advisories (PDF)
Latest fish advisory for Michigan lakes.


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