Island Basketball

Great Lakes Now's coverage of the Great Lakes island competition

Great Lakes Now Featured Articles About Island Basketball

Winning Work: Great Lakes Now garners awards for collaborations, videography, environmental coverage and more
- by GLN Editor

The Society for Professional Journalists, Detroit chapter, recognized Great Lakes Now broadcast, digital, engagement and collaborative work in its annual contest.

Watch Party: Recoveries
- by GLN Editor

Great Lakes Now Program Director Sandra Svoboda chats with John Russick from the Chicago History Museum, and GLN Producers Kathy Johnson and Nick Austin. They answer some audience questions about the show.

Travel Teams: How do Great Lakes island schools get their athletes to games?
- by GLN Editor

It takes traveling by bus, ferry, airplane, snowmobile and horse taxi to get basketball teams from four schools to their games.

Announcer: Put-in-Bay School basketball team plays in honor of beloved announcer
- by GLN Editor

A Lake Erie island community turned tragedy into fundraising, building awareness and motivation for students.

Hope and Resilience: Great Lakes islanders continue to adapt to COVID-19 conditions
- by Samantha Cantie

Locals on Beaver Island, Washington Island and Put-in-Bay adjust even as the threat of COVID-19 remains.

Taking It in Stride: How Great Lakes islanders are weathering the COVID-19 storm
- by Sharon Oosthoek

The tourism that usually rises around this time is on hold, but residents are battening down with ease.

Growing Pains: Big crowds on a little island can bring out the darker side of Great Lakes tourism
- by Lorraine Boissoneault

Small Great Lakes islands struggle to strike a balance between the need for tourism with how overwhelming the number of incoming tourists can be each summer.